I had an eventful weekend.
I saw "Eat Pray Love" and left with my usual lament that it wasn't nearly as good as the book. But, it was still good. I was melancholy as Hell on the drive home. I haven't yet processed all of it; but the gist is this: I wish to God I had enough money to escape for a year. I would edit Ms. Gilbert's itinerary by omitting India, opting instead for Greece. I could come much closer to God on an isolated beach. I would keep Italy and Bali in, though...as long as Bali held the same Javier Bardem promise. I have the same hang up that Ms. Gilbert suffered, I want to know "how long". I miss things and people and I am reluctant to just give in to missing them because I am terrified that once I slide down the slippery slope, I won't be able to claw my way back up. A global tour would go a long way toward helping that.
I completed the Elvis 5k at Graceland in nearly 100 degree heat. And, I did it in under an hour. Yes, I walked the entire race; something I am not used to, and something that I have a new respect for. As I started out, I was thinking, "Phffft, this isn't bad at all." Then I saw the 1 mile mark. ONE MILE??? I thought I was at least halfway through it. By the 2nd mile mark, my shins were screaming. I honestly wanted to take off running, just to get it over with quicker. But, I hung in there. And, I learned something along the way. I had always assumed that anything in South Memphis was seedy and blighted. The neighborhood around Graceland, off the main drag, was nice. Nice well kept, well landscaped homes that would have been right at home in High Point Terrace. And, some of the residents stood out in their yards and aimed their sprinklers and water hoses at us as we passed. Not in a "Get out of my neighborhood" kind of way, but in a "Wow, you look hot, here...have a spray" kind of way. On the last mile, they stood out in the yards and cheered, "You're almost there!". It was great! After the race, there was a smorgasboard of goodies, including but not limited to: Krispy Kreme donuts, beer, hot dogs, fruit, coke, coffee, and popcorn. And, I got a tee shirt.
I made a live television appearance on Sunday. It wasn't my first television appearance, but my first live one. I presented a big check during a telethon. I was so nervous, I thought I was literally going to pass out and die. When it was over and I was walking off stage, I then thought I would pass out and die from relief. As I stood backstage, my heart pounding in my head, chest, foot, I tried to remember the last time I felt so nervous. I couldn't. We were waiting for the band the finish up their number and I was so dismayed that, should I drop dead, I would die to "Play That Funky Music". I always thought it would be "Layla". I couldn't have my death played out in such a cheesy and sucky fashion, so I bucked up and basically disassociated. After I cleared the rickety stairs off the stage, I had the roller coaster moment. "Oh my God! This is so scary! I'm paralyzed with terror! Oh no, it's my turn! Oh God. I can't breathe. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wow! That was fun! Can I go again?"
8 years ago
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