Monday, May 24, 2010

A Tale of Two Sons

William Ligui Ionescu...congratulations!!!  You have just been awarded my "World Would Be A Better Place Without You In It" award.  A high honor, I'm sure, for you; because let's face it...coming out on top probably is not a feeling you are used to.  Your rhetoric is so long winded that I can't summon the concentration to sit down and sift through it to find even a nugget of sensical thought.  But, that is the grand design, isn't it?  It is kind of like sitting down to an essay exam in which you write down every single morsel of knowledge that you have gleaned on a subject in hopes of somehow coming close to the target answer.  Only, in your case, you failed miserably. 

I listened to your phone interview and actually chuckled when your picture was shown on my local news station.  Who knew Andrew Cunanan had such polarizing views?  Your BFF Jerry Kane met his fate in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart in West Memphis, Arkansas; alongside his son, Joe.  This was after they murdered two West Memphis police officers and then tucked and ran like the two cowards that they proved to be.  Your friend Jerry's big ass was laid out on the concrete for the world to see and I see this as fitting.  The saying goes, live by the sword, die by the sword.  I only wish a sword had actually been involved.  I found it particularly amusing that you went on and on about Jerry's "boy" and how articulate he was.  Really?  Just because a child can recite passages, that does not make him articulate.  And frankly, have you seen the media pictures of Jerry's "boy"?  The only thing I can say about this social reject is that he truly is Jerry's kid. In terms of intelligence and common sense, both Kane's were obviously lacking.  But that didn't stop them from talking.  And when no one listened, they shouted.  And when no one listened to that, they took desperate measures to be acknowledged.  Without an AK-47 rifle, these were two men in horrible suits and bad haircuts...mouth breathers at best. 

Jerry and Joe Kane were so "hard" that instead of waiting on the next officers to show up on the scene, so that they could calmly explain why the shooting was justified, they simply freaked out and hauled ass.  Wow, what courage!  If they were so right and just in their practice, why the rush?  Let it be right and just that these two genetic fuck ups be the poster children for the "anti-government" movement.  A grossly obese lunatic and his weird ass kid.  The question is asked, "What drove them to shoot two officers and agitate the situation by fleeing?"  I think I may have the answer.  It began long before they set out on their father/son World Domination Tour.  Genius Jerry Kane was a long haul truck driver, a profession known for producing such brilliant reformists such as....such Several years ago, his infant daughter was found dead in her crib.  When the hospital, abiding by state law, insisted on performing an autopsy, he snapped.  Without logically following the chain of logic, (infants just don't up and die) he saw this as an opportunity to make something of himself.  So, he ran down to the big and tall (more big than tall) store and purchased the tackiest white suit they had and began ranting about the government.  If you ask me, and I know you didn't...but hey, it's a free country, all that government hating and complaining probably hid something.  He and his nurse wife had a son, Joe, and I bet it was apparent from early on that Joe was a dud.  Joe would never be more than a vehicle.  Jerry Kane bragged about how his son never attended school.  I'm sorry, but this moron is doing nothing for the home school movement.  Later, Jerry decided to show the government who's boss and gave up his CDL.  Truck Stops and Wolf Tee Shirt makers all over America mourned this day.  As a result, dude couldn't pay his house note.  But, apparently,  his grocery bill was right on time.  So, while Henry the VIII sat around stuffing his face, the bank was hammering down foreclosure signs in the front yard.  Somewhere in the mix, his wife died from Pneumonia.  Again, how does a 30-something nurse die from Pneumonia?  Clearly, the government infected her with it, as a plot to take him out.  Anyway, as the grass grew up around his foreclosure sign, Jerry became an expert in foreclosure law.  He conveniently decided that the rules didn't apply to him and that he actually didn't have to pay for his home.  I suppose he believed that he was entitled to a free home?  It was all coming together now.  Jerry Kane had found his niche.  He lost his home, so that made him an expert in how not to lose one's home.  His epiphany was turned into a bogus real estate seminar that he subjected thousands of legitimate home-owners-in-trouble to.  I mean, I never thought to attend one of these seminars...because I pay my bills on time, but what exactly does he do?  Hoist himself up to a podium and tell people to do everything the opposite of him?  Did the dud work the projector?  And, he had to be sponsored in cities to come there and spew his nonsense.  So, someone had to volunteer their spare bedroom to host Dumb and Dumber?  Red Flag!   Life didn't turn out the way Jerry Kane imagined.  And, instead of taking a look at his mistakes and decisions, he took the easy route and blamed the government. 

The laws did not apply to the Kanes.  They were not required to carry a driver's license.  And, if questioned about the lack of a license, instead of giving the calm and rational response that he so believed in, he gave a lot of spittle, threats, and attempts at bribery.  It has been reported that if pulled over, Jerry Kane demanded a cash payment before consenting to a search of his vehicle.  Money doesn't make it just.  Money makes it profitable.  So, Jerry Kane knew precisely how to work the system that he hated so much.  Basically, what it boils down to is Jerry Kane was a fat fuck who didn't get a big enough handout, so he just got fatter and crazier until he burst (with the help of some Crittenden County Deputies).  It doesn't really matter why the West Memphis Police pulled over that raggedy ass van last week.  The lunacy encased in that vehicle had reached a critical level and what's done is done.  Four people dead. 

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who enjoy the freedoms of this country, yet continue to bite the hand that feeds them.  It is the American process to say what you like, when you like, how you like, and to whomever you like.  But, spewing idiocy and pulling guns are two completely different things.  Jerry Kane is the kid on the playground who lost a round of tetherball and instead of kicking the dirt and rejoining his peers for the next round, he declared tetherball a personal assault on his rights and then slaughtered the other children.  It is easy to be wrong with an automatic weapon by your side.  Only this time, when Jerry lost a round, he received another round, and another, and another...until his rotund body lay lifeless.  A coward until the end. 

As his self proclaimed best friend, you took it upon yourself to request that the West Memphis Police Department finance Jerry and Joe Kane's funeral.  In death, as in life, Jerry Kane was apparently ill prepared to meet his obligations.  And now his bloated body and that of his son's are the responsibility of a government entity, according to you.  In Jerry's life, everything had a price.  He sent a bill to a police department in New Mexico for $100 an hour for each hour he was detained.  That's a rather inflated sense of worth, in my opinion.  Jerry Kane probably consumed more than $100 of resources each hour he was detained.   I would like to suggest an economical option for disposal of these two social misfits.  There is a serious oil leak going on in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.  I think Jerry alone can probably plug it up.  That way, he can actually do some good in the world.  Otherwise, Jerry and Joe Kane died for nothing.  Their lives were meaningless and their deaths turned out to be just as devoid of meaning.  Officers Paudert and Evans set into motion a chain of events that rid the world of two DNA skips.  And for that, I will be eternally grateful.

In closing, I would like to take aim at you, Mr. Ionescu.  I see that you, like your friend, are an opportunist.  You wasted no time pimping yourself for interviews.  But, your gig will soon come to a close as people will move on.  You irrelevant commentary will once again fade back into obscurity and you will have to latch on to another time bomb.  Unfortunately for you, the police aren't going to go away.  Neither is the government.  And thank God for that, because I shudder to think of a nation overrun by bottom dwellers such as yourself and your "friends".  West Memphis Police Chief Bob Paudert lost his son as he defended the public from the likes of Jerry Kane.  Jerry Kane lost his son as he defended his megalomaniac father from the world.

Author's Note:  This post is in reference to the recent murders of West Memphis Police Officers Brandon Paudert and Bill Evans.  You can read the story here: Paudert and Evans.  I believe in the freedoms afforded me in the Constitution, but also realize that my rights end where another's begins.  America is the land of the free and home of the brave; but clearly provides harbor to cowards as well.  My condolences to the Evans and Paudert families.  May the Kanes rot in Hell.


  1. Absolutely brilliantly written! A+++. I was there, at the Wal-Mart, last Thursday when all this occurred.. and I can only say, THANK YOU for this blog post!

  2. Jerry Kane's crazy ass common law widow called 911 this afternoon because she is being harassed by the media. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I would think the police would be the last folks she would want at her home. Guess being sovreign isn't always convenient. This bitch is afraid of some 20 something women in knock off Chanel suits, holding microphones? I hear West Memphis is nice this time of year...she should totally check it out.
    What a moron.
