Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Hollis Gillespie Academy of Superb Blogging

So, that's not what it is really called; but you get the picture.  I have loved Hollis since the colorful jacket of "Bleachy Haired Honkey Bitch" caught my eye at Davis Kidd several years ago.  I bought the book, judging it by it's cover and title alone, and devoured it in hours.  I was thrilled to learn that Hollis would be appearing at the above mentioned bookstore, signing copies.  I had never attended a book signing before, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't for losers.  Hollis wore a bright pink jacket and I loved her immediately.  She gave a brief talk about the subject of her book (herself) and then seated herself at a table to sign the books of the 30 people that were there.  I was nervous as I approached her, I felt like Hollis had basically written down all the shit that I ran as an inner running commentary ticker for years; but was too unorganized to write down...and not nearly as eloquent as she.  She was loud, brash, and hilarious!  She wrote something completely inappropriate in my book, I don't recall it and I am far too lazy to go looking for it, and I floated right on out of there.  She has since signed another of her books for me and added me as a friend on Facebook.

This is how I learned of her webinar.  I am sooooo not the webinar kind, but neither is she, so I figured it couldn't be all bad.  I shelled out the money and marked my calendar.  The actual webinar was held at 2pm, while I was at work, but a video replay was offered afterward.  I could hardly sit still that day at work, knowing that when I got home...all amounts of genius was going to be bestowed upon me.  I have started and maintained various blogs over the years; eventually losing interest in them. 

Now I know why.  I haven't been writing about things that interest me.  I have treated my blogs as more of a journal, not putting information out there.  What am I selling to the throngs of blog readers?  My inner most secrets?  I don't think so.  What I intend to put out there is my humor and unique perspective on all sorts of things.  But, according to Hollis, I need to reign it in.  Focus.  And so, that is what I have been doing since the webinar.  Focussing.  What interests me?  What am I passionate about?  My friends tell me I am a great story teller; what stories do I want to tell?  I don't care so much about appealing to the masses.  I want to hit someone upside the head, like Hollis did me all those years ago. 

So, my passions.  I feel sheepish even typing that.  Let's see, I am passionate about not getting over my last boyfriend.  I am passionate about cheating on quitting smoking.  I am passionate about Steely Dan music.  I am passionate about silently insulting people.  I am passionate about my 7 year old dog.  Starting home projects and then becoming unmotivated halfway through is my thing.  Making lists of how I will spend the gobs of money that are, so far, just out of reach is something I am on fire for.  See how hard "focus" is for me? 

Hollis Gillespie inspired me.  Since the webinar, I have applied to grad school (and was accepted...provisionally), and interviewed for a new job.  So, although I haven't (yet) dazzled the world with my kick ass blogging, I have been ass kicked into gear with my life.  Moving forward is another passion.  I will continue honing my skills, while taking aim at all sorts of targets...until I find the "one thing".  And when I better have a fresh cup of coffee and no where to be, you're gonna be here a while.

And, for more about Hollis Gillespie, read about her latest shining moment:

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